INTERVIEW: Kristie Real
Meet Kristie, the founder of Corona, California’s Top Digital Parenting Resource for Moms. Kristie’s Instagram Bio, “A hot mess mom of 3, just keeping cool ‘cause raisin’ tiny humans is hard AF!” - sums up her online persona. In between the adorable photos of her children, she keeps it real on her personal Instagram page, candidly sharing about the relatable twists and turns of life as a mom of three young ones.
What song lyrics best describe the year you’ve had so far?
"Be running up that road
Be running up that hill
Be running up that building"
Be running up that building"
Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush
As a work-at-home mom of three under 6, it seems everything is an uphill battle right now. I own a local motherhood site (@coronamomsblog) and trying to run it and be a wife and mom has been challenging.
What is your favorite summer memory?
Hitting up the Vegas Pool Parties when I was younger (pre-mom days).
Beach, river, pool, or lagoon?
Def. the pool! Loungin' in a floatie with a drink in my hand is life!
What is the best piece of self-care advice you’ve received?
No matter what you do, always make time for self-care. As a mom, you put everyone else's needs first and so you really don't get much time for yourself. But you can't pour from an empty cup. Self-care is even more important as a mom because it gives you something that's just for you, which can really make the hardest days so much better.
What advice were you given growing up that you’ll definitely pass along to your children?
Just be yourself, everyone else is taken. Don't worry about what others think because all that matters is what you think of yourself.
What does balance look like to you?
That's a hard question because no matter how hard I try to balance everything on my plate, it doesn't seem to go well.
What makes for an ideal summer?
Now that I'm a mom, it would have to be spending time with family and friends. So BBQ'ing, pools and lots of time outside.
Where was the last place you felt true bliss?
Last place I felt true bliss would be in Cabo about 4 years ago before I got pregnant with my second son. I had worked my butt off to lose the baby weight and I felt so GOOD! I was on an amazing vacay with my hubby and everything was perfect.
What led you to embark on your current profession as a Blogger, Social Media Strategist, Writer, and overall Communications person?
I've always loved to read and write, so I got my BA in English and my MBA in Marketing. Everything just fell into place and here I am now as a Mom Blogger and Owner of my own local site!
What is the best part of living in SoCal?
I'm a born and bred So Cal native and hands down, it's the weather. Sun the majority of the time is something that can't be beat!
What’s the biggest lesson motherhood has taught you?
Just go with the flow. No matter how much you try to prepare and strategize your motherhood experience, it just never goes as planned. Motherhood is a whirlwind of emotions and experiences so, honestly, lower your expectations because a romanticized motherhood journey will just have you disappointed in the end. Learn to just go with the flow and embrace the ups and downs of it all!
What’s the biggest lesson friendship has taught you?
Keep smaller circles because larger ones aren't worth it. Sure, it's fun to have a large group of friends, but then cliques start forming, feelings get hurt and you're left with no friends.
What empowers you?
The biggest thing that empowers me is my family! I do everything for them.
What is something that you wear well?
It has to be a mom bun and leggings! Hoping to really kick butt in the gym this year so that it can soon be shorts and cute bathing suits this summer!

Find Kristie on Instagram @therealmommychronicles.